Sunday, October 2, 2011


The past few days have been...interesting.

Friday was supposed to be my last day at my old store, with Sunday the first day at my new store with my promotion.

Instead, on Friday, I was offered a better position within a different I took it.

This gave me an awesomely long weekend in which I: drank coffee, attended a show at Chain Reaction, did online homework, shopped at Target, went to a birthday party, did online homework again, looked for places to live for when my lease is up, and tonight I will be attending the Tustin Tiller Day carnival...hopefully.

It's weird how much your life can change in a matter of minutes.

I will now have a normal 8 to 5 week, weekends off, and I will use that weekend time to finally travel. I believe this is the appropriate time to say, "Fuck Yeah Beyotches!"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Early Sunday Morning.

I have an wonderful announcement!

I have received a promotion! I am going to be transferring stores at the end of the week to become a Supervisor. I'm excited for more money, as honestly, in my current store, I am already doing the same work.

The non-exciting part is that my current store doesn't want me to leave, therefor they have decided to make my last week horrible in the hopes that...well, I don't know. In hopes I will stay, I guess.

I've been up for the past several hours writing an essay. With this said, I also have a split shift tomorrow so it looks like I just wont be sleeping.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Friday Night.

I am starting to realize that I flourish under deadlines and pressure.

Oh, and also, dinner was delicious. I strongly recommend Peruvian food.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I just finished reading "A Tale Dark and Grimm" by Adam Gidwitz.

All I can say is WOW.

The entire book is written in third person, such as any age old fairy tale. It follows Hansel and Gretel through multiple fairy tales that intertwine and weave their coming of age stories together. Though merely children, Hansel and Gretel aren't given any mercy (which is yet another reason to live Grimm's fairy tales), and the entire novel is filled with incredible challenges that the reader can't help but wonder, "How in the world will they get out of this?"

Gidwitz also does a wonderful job of balancing dark with light with hilarious commentary throughout the entire novel.

Please Adam Gidwitz, write another one!


Every day,
Remains the same.
I want the change,
but I wont change.
Oh opportunity,
please come to my door.
By the time you arrive,
I wont live here anymore.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Today marked the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. I was at work for most of the day. My company provided us employees with buttons we could wear commemorating the event. Saying that we wont forget. Ever. That we will use our time to remember and improve ourselves and our lives in the name of those that died.

I was the only one wearing one of those buttons. In fact, I was wearing 6 of them.

It actually made me a little upset. One girl that I work with said that she "forgot" which day it was and that she "meant to celebrate." I asked her what she wanted to celebrate. She got red in the face and said, "You know what I mean."

No. I don't know what you mean. You want to celebrate?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28th Quick Write

My roommate Haylee and I have been doing our best lately to be better and more devote writers. We had a quick writing session tonight and this is what I came up with:

"I watched as my alarm clock changed to 10 just as I realized that I was holding my breath. I had been watching the clock for the last hour, hoping that this moment wouldn’t come. But there’s one thing you can be sure of; and that’s that time will always go on.

I knew my parent’s routine. It had been the same my whole life, minus a few short month when my father had a mid-life crisis and swear he was going to persue a career in night, glow-in-the-dark mini golf. My parents would watch tv until 10. After 10 lights went off. Every great once in a while they stayed up longer, but never past 11. And they never left their rooms.

I grabbed my brown leather bag that I considered my monster kit. I had put it together within the first week of discovering monsters were real. It had been my Grandmother’s and it made me feel more confident using it. I didn’t really know if there was a set item list of what should be inside. Regardless, I had filled it with things that I considered to be essentials: holy water that I had gotten one year from a family vacation to a Monastery in Utah, a notepad and pen, compass, watch, camera, Swiss army knife, thermometer, candles, an old tape recorder, salt, blessing incense and banishing incense, and a cross.

I slowly opened my door, jaw clenched as if it would prevent my door from creaking. I was moving silently. I stood outside my parent’s door for a few moments. Thankfully no sounds. No movement. I slowly and silently inched down the staircase, praising whoever made it in my head.

It had been earlier in the week, when my mom convined me to go to the grocery store with her to buy more bird feed for the feeders (like it was some emergency). I reluctantly agreed but on the way back I noticed something bizarre.

We were stopped at a stop sign on Adam St. while my mother tried to convince me for the third time this year to try out for the advanced choir (no use trying to explain that usually you have to be enrolled in any type of choir first, and that I was not), when I saw it. It lasted only a few moments. A shadow. A movement of a tree.

But my training and instinct of a Gurardian of the Day has taught me to never ignore these types of things. You see, as we get older, our adult common sense tells us to say “It must have been a bird or something.” Or “perhaps a cloud caused that shadow.” But I knew it was something much different. I try to block out my adult common sense at all times.

As we drove off I used the rearview mirror to once over the house. It looked like a normal brick house built probably in the 1920s, like most of the houses in the neighborhood. The interesting thing was that everything in the yard was dead. The front yard looked like the dirt had been turned recently. But still, even the things growing in pots were dead. I knew at that moment that I would need to take a closer look.

I immediately went over the list in my head of monsters that made plants die. Ghosts were a very common one. Especially ill-tempered ghosts also known as poltergeists. I knew a lot of lore talked about demons making beautiful plants die. Was I ready to face a demon? "

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27th 2011

Recently, on a road trip with one of my best friends Johanna Banana, we stopped at a Barnes and Noble in Palm Desert. After perusing the titles for a long while, I came upon "A Tale Dark & Grimm" by Adam Gidwitz.

I picked it up, intrigued by the cover (which is awesome), and continued on to the introduction. It is amazing. I was caught off guard. Gidwitz had me laughing so hard that I was tearing up. In this, he takes several fairy tales/children's tales, especially ones from Grimm's Fairy tales and writes them in an entertaining and intricate children's tale.

It's awesome to read a YA/Middle grade novel that can be funny for both adults and kids. That has perfectly placed humor and blood. Lots and lots of blood. I'm a little less than half of the way through thus far. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I didn't make this. I found it on
I honestly feel like I have this.
I'm truly my happiest when I am exploring.

Monday August 22, 2011

I have been so tired the past few days. I'm not talking regular tired. I am talking, epically tired.
It's in part to a few things. I got back from Utah vacation on 8/18, had an interview and drug test in the morning of 8/19, a family dinner that evening, a suprise party in the eve, work the next day in the morning, a concert to attend in the eve, a closing shift at work the next day, and an opening shift today.

I need rest.

Also, I realized today that our lease is almost up. Where shall we move in October?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Things that make me happy....

Being that I have been pretty unhappy lately, I wanted to take a moment to write the things that make me happy. Hopefully, once I finish this, I can determine which route I need to take to venture towards it goes.

  1. Boys...or I should say...boy.
  2. Family
  3. Friends
  4. Reading
  5. Writing
  6. Music
  7. Animals
  8. Photography
  9. Beach
  10. Summer nights
  11. Traveling
  12. Meeting new people
  13. Blogging
  14. Internet surfing
  15. Being outside
  16. Vintage clothes
  17. Vintage photos
  18. Thrift store shopping
  19. Making things
  20. Using my imagination...
Time to go to work...more to come.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Book Reviews....

It's definitely been a while since I've blogged on here. I've started a new photo blog on Tumblr, and I must admit that I love it. You can find it here . It's mainly posts about love, but also posts I find aesthetically pleasing and/or awesome.

I've also since decided that I am going to start writing reviews on here. I read so many, many, many books all of the time (my habit is probably equivalent to that of a chain smoker) that I decided I should write about the books I am reading.

I promise I will post later on what I am reading now. It's a really awesome book by Laurie Faria Stolarz.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Winning books...from Maggie Stiefvater

So, one of my favorite authors Maggie Stiefvater, is having a contest where people can win a stack of her books. I am so excited! It is located here:

I I just hope I can win!